
Poached rhubarb and raspberries

I like to serve it with greek yoghurt and toasted brioche, but it is also fabulous on meusli for breakfast or used as a base for a truly oustanding crumble.

Rhubarb has a reputation for being sour or stringy or just plain yukky. But it is the most gorgeous thing and this way of preparing it, gently poached with vanilla and with the addition of bright, tangy raspberries, is one of the best ways to experience what rhubarb is all about. It is really important not to overcook it – when poached it should still hold its shape. I like to serve it with greek yoghurt and toasted brioche, but it is also fabulous on meusli for breakfast or used as a base for a truly oustanding crumble.

Serves 4

1 bunch rhubarb
1 vanilla bean
100g caser sugar
1 punnet fresh raspberries (or 300g frozen raspberries)
1 orange
toasted brioche and thick greek yoghurt, to serve

Wash the rhubarb and then cut into 5 cm lengths. Place in a medium saucepan. Split the vanilla bean in half and carefully scrape out the seeds. Put the bean and the seeds into the saucepan, along with the sugar, and the zest and juice of the orange. Cover the saucepan and simmer gently until the rhubarb is soft but still holding its shape. Take off the heat and add the raspberries. Stir very gently and then leave to cool. serve warm or at room temperature with thick greek yoghurt and toasted brioche.

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